Finnegan Software, Inc. - Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Prices for Lenovo - G Series and IdeaPads
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$1.00 CDN = $1.0243 USD / $0.9763 CDN = $1.00 USD
$1.00 CDN = 0.7698 Euros / $1.2990 CDN = 1.00 Euros
List updated : Monday, 03 Jan 2011

Pricing for : Lenovo - G Series and IdeaPads

Blue price - stock available
Orange price - back-ordered, or special order (7-10 business days)

Part Number     Qty   $CDN  $USD Euros  Description
--------------- ---- ----- ----- -----  ---------------------------
06462EU            9  1219  1249   939  Y560 I7 4GB 1GB 15.6 WIN 7
06462HU 42 1440 1475 1109 Y560I7 6GB 1GB 15.6 WIN7
06462KU 0 1440 1475 1109 Y560I7 4GB 1GB 15.6 WIN 7
06462YU 0 1330 1362 1024 Y560 I5-460M 4GB 500GB VHP
064639U 0 1440 1475 1109 Y560 I7-720QM BL KYBD 6GB-3500GB 15.6 WIN 7
06463AU 0 1440 1475 1109 Y560 I7-720QM BL KYBD 4GB-3500GB 15.6 WIN 7
06463BU 0 1219 1249 939 Y560 I7-720QM BL KYBD 4GB-3500GB15.6 WIN 7
06463GU 0 1440 1475 1109 Y560 I7-740QM BL KYB 6GB640GB 15.6 WIN7 HP
06463HU 0 944 967 727 Y560 I3-370M BL KYB 4GB 500GB 15.6 WIN7 HP
06463JU 0 1023 1048 788 Y560 I5-460M BL KYB 4GB 500GB 15.6 WIN7 HP
06463KU 0 1137 1165 875 Y560 I5-460M BL KYB 6GB 500GB 15.6 WIN 7 HP
06463LU 0 1219 1249 939 Y560 I7-740QM BL KYB 4GB 500GB15.6 WIN 7HP
06463MU 0 1330 1362 1024 Y560 I5-460M BL KYB 4GB 640GB 15.6 WIN 7HP
064652U 0 1137 1165 875 Y560 I5-460M 6GB 500GB VHP
064653U 0 1023 1048 788 Y560 I5-460M 4GB 500GB VHP
064654U 0 1219 1249 939 Y560 I7-740QM 4GB 500GB VHP
064655U 0 944 967 727 Y560 I3-370M 4GB 500GB VHP
064656U 0 1440 1475 1109 Y560 I7-740QM 6GB 640GB VHP
08862BU 45 887 909 683 V460 I3 4GB 14.0 WIN7
09143NU 0 819 839 631 Z560 I3 370M 4GB 500GB VHP
091454U 0 819 839 631 Z560 I3-370M BL KYB 4GB 500GB 15.6 WIN7 HP
43113CU 0 876 897 674 Z565 P540 4GB 500GB VHP
43113DU 0 751 769 578 Z565 P540 4GB 500GB VHP
431154U 0 751 769 578 Z565 AMD P540 BL KYB 4GB 500GB 15.6 WIN7 HP

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File: - last modified 2011.01.03